Monday, July 25, 2005

Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America

Mark Levin is a constitutional lawyer who also has a talk radio show. I believe he's written a couple of other books, but I haven't read them. However, this book couldn't have come out at a more appropriate time. With Sandra Day O'Connor retired and President Bush having a chance to appoint a judge to the Supreme Court, this book gives the American public information that is incredibly important to the way this country will be run in the future. I didn't realize how much control and power the judiciary had before I began this book. It's scary. Everyday they are hearing cases that could change the constitutional rights of the citizens of the USA. Activist judges are bringing their own personal ideals and political agendas to the bench; instead of adhearing to the Founder's principles, they are legislating. The McCain-Feigngold Campaign Finance Reform, which is blatantly unconstitutional, is just one example of this behavior. The basic right of Freedom of Speech is jeapordized through this bill. The Supreme Court is the only branch of the United States government that doesn't have a check and balance.
They have limitless power. They are appointed to the highest court in the country to be the protectors of the constitution, of the people. Without restraint they could ruin this country, and they are slowly on their way to doing so. This is definitely an important book to read, and above that it is interesting and smartly written.


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